On Saturday 08 September 2007 12:56:15 Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Bob Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [09-08-07 07:11]:
> > Sharing is what it's all about.
> > I've just downloaded beta 3 overnight, and I noticed that most of the
> > peers I was leeching from were at less than 100% download. In other
> > words, we were all in the process of downloading/uploading to each
> > other. Of the peers who had 100% of the download, only two were
> > seeding me, suggesting that the remainder had switched off their
> > upload capability as soon as they had got the whole file. My upload is
> > still running, and will continue to do so until I have given back to
> > the community the 4GB I got.
> Why stop?  If everyone follows that criteria, the pipe will flow
> empty.  I have seeded 8+ copies of betas 1 and 2 and will leave 3
> seeding until RC1 is released, and then move to RC1.....
> > Currently uploading to clients in Spain, Japan, UK and Turkey.
> >
> > Hopefully, that will improve everyone's experience.
> If you don't stop...
You're absolutely right, I won't stop. I'm actually currently seeding beta2 
and beta3 - about 8GB gone up the pipe ;)


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