Am Sonntag, 4. November 2007 12:21:54 schrieb Eberhard Roloff:
> On a side note:
> If I look at the packman mail dialogue that the OP cited, I come to
> think that some people are crazy, to say the very least:
> You reasonably cannot expect service levels, immediate support, security
> policies and much more, anything delivered immediately and for free,
> since this is Linux and therfore it needs to be for free...
> If you need such features, you either need to use an enterprise
> distribution and pay for what you get or you better stay with Windows,
> where you get what you deserve. ;-)

Afaik his needs are satisfied, however he (and that's a very good behaviour 
imho!) needs to know the facts to give his customers (honest) advices. I'd be 
happy to have such a salesman whose advices I can trust.

He asked a clear and polite question(he also revealed his honest motivations 
to ask such a question), so I actually think the reply on the Packman ML is a 
bit overreacted (at least the first one). It's not the problem that we'd 
expect a 100% secured repo - but he wanted to get the facts straight to give 
rational advices - and I think that's ok.


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