Tirsdag 06 november 2007 08:42 kvad Verner Kjærsgaard:
> - reported by a friend of mine, when cloning (ghosting) a 10.3 disk
> in its entirety, the cloned disk will not boot due to the serial
> numbers of the cloned disk doesn't match the serial of the original
> disk.
> - apparently this serial is written somewhere in the conf files of
> - I've not seen this as I've not been to his place (quite far from
> here, trying to solve the matter through e-mail...), can this be
> true??
> - I mean, really? :-)

I don't know, since I'm staying put with 10.2.

However, if 10.3 has started using UUIDs in stead of /dev/<device>, 
then yes.

If that is the case, it should be easily fixed.
Once the clone is in place, he boots a rescue cd, and runs 
blkid /dev/<device>
That will tell him the device's UUID, which he then puts into menu.lst

Best regards :o)

Johnny :o)
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