> I've just checked in new and enhanced documentation for PropertyTag,
> kindly submitted by Geoff Carruthers (who did put his money where his
> mouth is, as told, and wrote docs). I'd appreciate it others could have
> a look and provide feedback, since Geoff has said he's willing to write
> up more docs to various bits and pieces that are either not documented
> at all or insufficiently documented.

Ehem, submitted from the wiki

So let me get the lifetime of this documentation correct: Geoff wrote "The
two uses of the property tag", gave it to Mike who posted it on the wiki. I
then created "The three uses of the property tag" that corrected the blatant
errors in the first version of the document?

I just want credit to be placed where credit is due, because I got the
impression from the wiki that Mike wrote the original document that I
corrected. (Furthermore I wrote such an incorrect document a long time ago
that didn't document the page context use of the property tag, and I
submitted it to the list, what ever happened to that?)

A very confused box
// Anders Hovmöller

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