On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 07:29:06AM +0100, Rickard Öberg wrote:
> Hani Suleiman wrote:
> >Most people seem to be in agreement that velocity templates are at least 
> >an order of magnitude faster that jsp pages, which to me seems a 
> >bit...odd. So I was wondering if anyone has good (small) examples of 
> >this being the case. Webwork examples don't count as good examples 
> >because they involve a lot more than just jsp vs velocity, and might 
> >well be due to differences in webwork's velocity stuff vs webwork's jsp 
> >taglib.
> >
> >So, can anyone take up the challenge, and prove to me that a velocity 
> >page that prints out some bean properties is faster than a jsp page 
> >which does the exact same thing? Maybe a very basic sample app that 
> >anyone can run to see for themselves?
> Well, we have built our entire portal product on WebWork/Velocity, and 
> although I don't have the same in JSP I'm rather convinced that the 
> performance we get is to a large extent due to our use of Velocity. 
> Here's a sample page:
> http://www.konj.se/index.html
> This page assembles a whole lot of dynamic data (ALL data you see is 
> taken from an object model) and uses Velocity to render it. Typically 
> such pages render below 100ms, and as you can see it's a whole lot more 
> complex than the MonthList.jsp page which takes forever to render in JSP.

This is an interesting question... It would be really nice to see some
performance numbers comparing JSP vs. Velocity. I've googled around a
bit, but didn't find any good comparisions. 

My guess is that Velocity is faster, but perhaps not 'that' fast as it
used to be. Newer JSP-implementations are actually pretty snappy. We're
building an application on Oracle 9iAS (Oracle Containers for Java, and
Oracle JSP) - and it renders pages *really* fast (way under 100ms under
heavy load). The JSP code is ugly - no taglibs - but after some testing
we're moving to more taglibs now.


|    Anders Engström                |
|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
|    http://www.gnejs.net           |
|Your mind is like an umbrella.     |
|It doesn't work unless you open it.|
|  /Frank Zappa                     |

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