I've started piddling about with doing a small skeleton app for springframework/webwork 1.4 integration. The bean wiring stuff works quite nicely, so I thought I'd go a little crazy and try to get interceptors (via the aopalliance stuff in Spring) working, so us poor 1.4 users can finally stop being jealous of all the cool interceptor stuff in 2.0.

However! I ran into an interesting problem. Spring uses dynamic proxies for the AOP stuff, so the action instance you get back is a proxy of some sort. This means that:

a) You can cast it as any of the interfaces that your action implements and call methods on those
b) The valuestack gets completely confused, since none of the reported methods are of the underlying class.

So, does anyone have any suggestions as to how (or even if) this can be overcome without tons of interfaces for the first issue, and how/if it's possible to go from a proxy to the underlying class object?

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