Hi Paolo,

I just tested this and I don't see the behaviour you describe in the current CVS. Can you try webwork 1.4 and see if you still have the leak?

On Feb 5, 2004, at 11:05 AM, Vedovato Paolo wrote:

Ok, I Found some more on this issue.

This Query problems occur only when the <ww:table> tag is used.

As far as i see in my Profiling Tool the WebTable component
tries to do something 'illegal' in the doEndTag.

It always tries to find something in this form


and of course this reference changes on each request putting
it in the Query Hashtable and so this grows with each

Any clues about this phenomena?


-----Original Message-----
From: Vedovato Paolo
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: RE: [OS-webwork] WW1.3 Memory Consumption

Hi Dick

for my replies see inline.

You are right that the Query class contains a cache of all
(instances of Query). It is a static HashMap in WW1.3 so it
is never GC'd as
you know.
I can see a couple of cases that would make it grow:

1. Parameters that are sent in requests are set on actions
with the help of
the Query class. If you always have new parameter names, then
they will
generate new Query objects that will fill up the cache. So
for example the
myaction.action?paramOne=2&otherParam/subProperty=4    this
would create 2 new Query instances (and 3 QuerySegments I believe).
Do you have some parameters that have dynamic names?
Do you mean the first request calls 'paramOne=2', after
that the same request calls 'paramTwo=2'?
No, we don't have dynamic names parameters...

2. Some usages of the expand functionality of the expression
language (when
you use braces { } ) can give many Query objects. For example
if you write:
<ww:property value="{myProp}"/> then myProp is looked up,
and whatever
String myProp contains is then looked up. This means that if
myProp contains
different String values all the time then alot of Query
instances will be
The only constructs I find in our application which could match
are the following:

- the templates checkbox.jsp, password.jsp, text.jsp etc.
- <ww:text name="'{0,date,EEEE, dd.MM.yyyy, HH:mm}'" value0="@today"/>
- <ww:text name="'{0,number,#,##0.00}'" value0="@dep/balance/amount"/>

Do you see problems with it?

You can also try changing the Map to be a WeakHashMap and
then the Query
instances could be GC'd. But of course it would be better to
find the real
cause of the problem first.
That would be a possibility but as you said we should try to find the
real cause.

Anyway I would like to thank you for the help!


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------------------------------------------------------- The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004 Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA. http://www.eclipsecon.org/osdn _______________________________________________ Opensymphony-webwork mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/opensymphony-webwork

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