Hi Elio,

I've the same problem, when i try to run two commandline-scripts as autostart, only one is running. The second is ignored, i think this is a bug...! My workaround is a masterscript, that is autostarting und runs all other "slave" scripts. In the gui, i have for every combination of slave-scripts an application, so its flexible for the client, if not every client needs all scripts.

My scripts are under .../custom/bin, but that is not so important, i think.

Best regards


Am 25.05.2011 14:03, schrieb Elio Coutinho:
Nice going Thomas! I have a hidden taskbar, so I guess I can live with
the command on the menu. I tried to create a new command, in addition to
a command I already had:

sudo sh -c 'fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep -i "^/dev.*fat.*" | cut -d" " -f1>>  

but then I noticed that only one of the two commands is Autostarted. The
other appears on the menu, but is ignored. Is this a bug?

I ended up creating a directory named 'bin' on the server, at


and placed my script there. This folder is copied to the client, and
shows up at /var/tcos/bin/. Then I created an Autostart command on the
gui, that runs the script at /var/tcos/bin/.

This way, one can have much more complex scripts, then writing it all on
one command line.

Best regards,

On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 12:27 +0200, Weigt, Thomas wrote:

you can prevent the icon from the desktop, if the name of your
application in the otc-manager begins with a dot like ".test-sh".
I use it so and there is no icon on the desktop, but in the
application-list in the menu of the client the application appears.

Best regards


Am 25.05.2011 12:14, schrieb Elio Coutinho:

Thanks Christoph! I've used that approach on another situation, but I
don't like that a shortcut for the command appears on the desktop. Do
you know how to prevent the icon from showing up?

As for the script, I've changed it to only list FAT partitions, as they
seem to be the only ones fully supported:

fdisk -l $LOCALDISK | grep -i "^/dev.*fat.*" | cut -d" " -f1>>  

On a side note, are there any plans for NTFS writing support? Many usb
devices are NTFS formatted and it would be nice to be able to write to
them. For now, they are mounted read-only:

# dmesg
NTFS driver 2.1.29 [Flags: R/O MODULE].

Best regards,
Elio Coutinho

On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 08:22 +0200, Peus, Christoph wrote:

This may be a solution, but "patching" the server is not necessary and probably 
not so smart, because this cannot be applied to only specific ThinClients and could be 
overwritten by future updates of the OTC server.

Try to create a new application of type command line with Autostart set to 
"yes" and the following command (untested):
sudo sh -c 'echo "/dev/sda2">>  /etc/pmount.allow'

This should do the job as well. (Of course you have to configure your setup to 
make this application execute on your clients.)


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