Hi all,

Ok so i was suggested by Alexander to use Consus since that was supported.. so im thinking more of you out there would use it and can help perhaps even Alexander himself!! :)

I fear using consus for my T5540 that i have allready run into a show stopper

so i did what I do in the old system.. PXE boot a thin client to make it show in the manager and than edit it and put it in thin clients folder.. 

I only gave it 

Device: keyboard DK
Device: Monitor 1440*900

no application...

when it starts to boot it do load the image from PXE but throws the error:

ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: no such device
udhcpc: SIOCGIFFLAGS was called
No /bin/bash found - dropping "busybox sh".
sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

and than some more stuff i don't think is needed?

anyone has any suggestions? Have you guys changed the way PXE/DHCP should be setup with consus? in my enviroment i have a DHCP on another server... and it worked fine with Minerva...its setup up with option 66 pointing to the ip of the server running my manager... 

Or maybe Consus doesn't have network drivers for my T5540 HP device?

I couldn't find and doku besides the one i used for my Minerva install so I assume it should be the same?

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