
The OpenVAS developers are happy to announce the release of OpenVAS Scanner
3.2.3. This release is the third maintenance release of the OpenVAS Scanner 3.2
module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System release 4 (OpenVAS-4).

This release features a number of minor improvements to the build process and to
the synchronization scripts. It also close three potential resource leaks
discovered by Henri Doreau.

Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this release:
Henri Doreau and Michael Wiegand.

Main changes compared to 3.2.2:
* Fixed: Three potential resource leaks.
* Fixed: Generation of code documentation.
* Updated: Feed synchronization scripts.
* Changed: The openvas-nvt-sync script will now perform the initial feed
  synchronization via HTTP instead of rsync.
* Changed: The openvas-nvt-sync script will now default to synchronize into the
  NVT directory used by the OpenVAS Scanner instead of the one defined at
  compile time.

The source tarball for this release is available for download from the OpenVAS 
website at http://www.openvas.org/. Binary packages for major GNU/Linux 
distributions by third parties are expected in the following weeks.


Michael Wiegand

Michael Wiegand |  Greenbone Networks GmbH  |  http://www.greenbone.net/
Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany | AG Osnabrück, HR B 202460
Executive Directors: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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