Dear OpenVAS Users,

the OpenVAS-9 announcement pointed out Greenbone's branding
problem regarding the contributions to the community. The
role of Greenbone as central contributor is not visible enough
and leads to misunderstandings. Even the press puts it sometimes
wrong, which impacts our commercial competition against
proprietary vendors.

Greenbone keeps being faithful to and convinced of the
Open Source approach for a transparent and shared technology.
Our commercial solution offers several fundamental values
that make a clear difference to plain OpenVAS. But the relationship
of Greenbone and OpenVAS needs to become visible at the first glance.
on OpenVAS.

Apart from the branding confusion, another nuisance are 
companies integrating the technology and feed and pretending it
to be theirs or claiming to be an alternative to Greenbone's product
at a better price. A minority of them properly comply with the
licenses. None of them commercially cooperates with Greenbone.

For achieving better visibility, less misunderstanding and
better distinction from other OpenVAS-based products we plan
to rename the public feed from "OpenVAS NVT Feed" to "Greenbone
Community Feed" for branding reason. We also started to restrict access
to the public NVT source code management system (the "openvas-nvts"
SVN repository). However, there are no changes regarding licenses!

Currently the Community Feed is delayed by 14 days, but we want
to make it a up-to-date, fully QA'ed and daily updated feed where we
just do not add features for large enterprise environments. 
A real benefit will be the immediate availability of "Hot NVTs" which address
security problems running fast through the Internet and through the news.

We are very glad and happy about the active user community.
And we are aware this change impacts the situation for some users.
We were reluctant to take this step, but we hope you understand the
situation. On the other hand this step supports the long-term availability
of the technology as Open Source to everyone.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, comments or suggestions.
Best regards


Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner |  +49-541-760278-0  |
Greenbone Networks GmbH, Neumarkt 12, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B 
Geschäftsführer: Lukas Grunwald, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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