You could create an internal mirror and rsync internally, create the mirror
with HTTP or whatnot.

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:43 AM, Emily Crowe <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to set up OpenVAS, but I keep getting stuck when openvas-setup
> attempts to rsync.
> The default method for rsync is rsh. My company has strict rules against
> tools like telnet and remote shell built into the firewall.
> Thankfully, the NVT and SCAP data feeds have wget and curL as alternative
> options to rsync. Cert data, however, does not.
> I can't use rsync to rsh into, and, in the absence of
> necessary credentials, I can't use rsync to ssh into
> either.
> It seems our use of OpenVAS hinges on this problem.
> Can OpenVAS please provide alternatives to rsync rsh for syncing cert
> data? If not, please give a rationale.
> Thanks,
> Emily Crowe
> P.S. I'm not sure if this is the correct listserv for this topic.
> Apologies if it's not.
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