
I am trying to run reports from my server running OpenVAS 9/OMP 6.  I seem
to have hit an inconsistency I can't explain.  When I run a command like:

omp --get-report [report ID] --format [XML format] test.xml

I get the response "Failed to get report."  I can't seem to find the cause
of this.  I double checked that the report I am trying to pull exists

omp --get-tasks --details

I get the list of reports, and sure enough the report I am trying to run is
on there.  There is nothing present in the openvasmd.log file aside from
the activity of my last scan.  The get-report command used above seems to
work fine on another server I have running OpenVAS 8/OMP 6, so I am
confused why it's not working on this newer installation.  Any suggestions?
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