
a brand new install of opanvas 8. the check script is telling me that my installation is - and i quite - "OK". there are a bunch of warnings. it suggesting to downgrade nmap from 6.47.to 5.51 if i "plan to use the nmap NSE NVTs". of course i plan to use those... and alien. which apparently is not installed as part of the openvas yum install for whatever reason...

so i'm trying quick and dirty scan - the default. the status is changed to "Running" and then 18 seconds later to "Done". but nothing is really done. the interface has this column "severity" that reads N/A. and that's it. not much of a scan results...

i used to have openvas 6 installed and working awesomely until i decided to upgrade. now it's a bit of a mess...

what needs to happened?


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