Am 10.11.2016 um 16:51 schrieb kalin m:
i have been trying to use openvas 8 for a week now. installed on 3
different linux distributions over vmware fusion and every time i run it
the scan stalls and the os becomes unresponsive after about 2 min - it
shows 1% completed - into the scan and there is no indication why -
nothing in the logs. i initially thought that it has to do with some
networking issues related to the vmware although openvas 6 on a centos
was running just fine in it. i upgraded the vmware. and then tried
running openvas 8 on centos, debian, kali and ubuntu. the ubuntu install
never really worked - not really a huge fan of that distro either. but
the rest all got to the point i was able to create targets and tasks and
start a scan. but they all die after a couple of minutes crashing the os

how much memory do your guests have assigend?
anything below 3 GB won't work at all
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