I have Kali running OpenVAS 9 and 'greenbone-certdata-sync' is unable to do its 
work due to lack of 'rsync' connectivity; I'm behind a corporate firewall.

I successfully pulled down NVD xml data from NVD directly, created my own 
timestamp file and 'greenbone-scapdata-sync --refresh' finished fine. (Though I 
haven't tested the results yet.)

So, I wanted to attempt the same with 'certdata' but can't seem to find where 
to download current cert data .xml files.  I've only found someone else's 
/var/lib/openvas/cert-data files (which I don't trust).

Any ideas on how to update the cert-data files?  I want to do this on a regular 

David A. Gershman, CISSP
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