Am 25.04.2018 um 22:16 schrieb Peter Collins:
> I'm currently scanning on a 4-core vm with 4gm ram, in Virtualbox on a
> laptop, within OSSIM. Traffic average during a scan is about 4kB/s
> (kiloBYTES). Network pipe is not the bottleneck. It can provide 20mb/s
> (megaBITS) easily. If I get a 12-core/24-thread server with SSD and 32G
> ram, will the scans go faster, all settings being the same? And, will it
> hammer on the targets too hard and disrupt them?

as both sides and a ton of params are involved it won't be magically
faster unless you raise the number of concurrent NVT's and if a simple
security scan will disrupt the target you have bigger problems at all

"please no asshat questions about bytes and bits. I have indicated
clearly" which is pretty idiotic when you just could wirte it correct
from the start and "4gm ram" is nosense at all
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