
here is a small patch, that allows a tun/tcp/inetd/nowait-configuration style.
Some inconveniances are still to be addressed:

  o ifconfig and route cannot be returned by the client-connect-script
    but have to be set right there

  o the visible name of the interface cannot be changed in accordance
    with the connecting client (i.e. 'vpn-cust0' instead of 'tun123')

  o ifconfig-pools and concurrent connections of the same clients
    cannot be handeled from openvpn by itself

On the other hand it gives me different processes and different interfaces
for every conneced client so they can be managed (i.e. killed :-)) separately.

This patch is just a first approach and not fully tested (as most software ;-)).

Excerpt from the config-file:

    dev tun
    inetd nowait
    proto tcp-server
    mode server


Christian Lademann

PS.: All submissions and contributions to open-source-projects are released
     under the same license as the respective project.

Attachment: openvpn-inetd.diff
Description: Binary data

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