Hi David,

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 7:49 PM, David Sommerseth
<openvpn.l...@topphemmelig.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Greetings all!
> I am now announcing the openvpn-testing.git tree as open.  Gert has
> already been announcing the availability as a response to some merge
> conflicts.  Anyhow, those issues are solved.

\o/ !

> The tree is also tagged with all 2.1 releases and RC releases.  I have
> not bothered with tagging the 2.1 beta or any 2.0 releases at all.  If
> somebody finds it useful and wants it, please generate a list of tag
> names and commit ID's and I'll update the tree.
> What's next:
> - - JuanJo Ciarliante's IPv6 patches for the transport layer.
>  There are some merge conflicts here as well, which we need to solve.
>  It's most probably due to different merge roots between our copies of
>  the SVN tree.  I hope JJO and I can solve this soon, then it will go
>  into the allmerged branch immediately.

Cool, thanks a lot for the heads-up.

I'll try to solve this before by next week, it's
sooo great to see all the community contributed bits
being taken good care   :)))

> - - Go through the mailing list to pick up branches which has not been
>  included into the the OpenVPN SVN tree.  I will probably not go much
>  further than the last 9-12 months.  If you have a patch you want to
>  be sure gets into the tree, please raise the attention by sending an
>  e-mail to this mailing list.  I don't intend to deliberately ignore
>  patches.
>  James: Do you have an overview over patches you have included already?
>  And patches you've received which has not been processed yet?
> - - The eurephia patch got a review, with one comment I'd like to
>  investigate a little bit more (If ctx->current_cert->sha1_hash is
>  always valid).  When this is done, the feat_eurephia branch will be
>  merged into the allmerged branch.
> - - Update the developers documentation on the wiki, with some
>  "requirements" to get patches included.  For already submitted patches
>  I will be a little bit nicer.  Patches after this mail should strive
>  to follow the guidelines found in the mail discussion here [1].  All
>  patches are *expected* to apply cleanly against the latest SVN
>  BETA21/openvpn branch or the git master branch.
> The next big test for this is when James does some more commits, and to
> see how smoothly it will merge in those changes.
> For those wanting to contact me, I'm available on e-mail:
> <d...@users.sourceforge.net> or on IRC (freenode, #openvpn-devel)
> The git tree is available here:
> <git://openvpn.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/openvpn/openvpn-testing.git>
> Web view of the git tree can be found here:
> <http://openvpn.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=openvpn/openvpn-testing.git>
> kind regards,


> David Sommerseth
> [1]
> <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=4B6A9823.8010800%40topphemmelig.net>
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
> 0ZwAoIbajA0Q5/Rm7cP+AUGgNPezlEwg
> =MvpN

--JuanJo ; echo j...@gomosglep.com | sed 's/[SPAM]//g'

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