> Actually, I was lucky to notice the openvpn-unstable.git repo before
> submission.  My original patch-set was based on the subversion repo
> branch beta21 and would have conflicted with feat_passtos.  I didn't
> notice the git repo and the Wiki on secure-computing.net until I
> happened to look at some openvpn-devel mails in the archive.  Does
> openvpn.net link to them from somewhere?
Currently there are tons of sites and services related to OpenVPN and
only a few of them are linked to from openvpn.net. This will be fixed
soonish, when the "official" community site (with Trac tracker/wiki)
opens - it's technically ready for beta-testing, but we (=the company)
have not yet decided how we bind it together with openvpn.net. Other
services are coming out of the pipe after Trac - forums first and foremost.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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