
I've managed to extend the Python build system so that it now tries to
build the Windows service wrapper, "openvpnserv.exe", after building
"openvpn.exe". However, the Visual Studio 2008 C compiler gives these

   openvpnserv.c(87): error C2010: '.' : unexpected in macro formal
parameter list
   openvpnserv.c(101): error C2010: '.' : unexpected in macro formal
parameter list

The offending lines with context (in beta2.2 branch) are these:

   #define mysnprintf(out, args...) \
   #define MSG(flags, args...) \

The C2010 error is described (very briefly) here:


Any ideas how to fix this issue?

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock

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