Dear openvpn-developers,

I'm wondering what is the best way to submit patches to the openvpn
project. The patch I (er13) added more than a month ago to this ticket has been completely
ignored. Instead the patch submitted directly to this list has been
accepted and committed. It's not that my patch is better (btw. I'm not the
only author of it, my patch is based on MaxMuster's one), it just it seems
that you don't pay enough attention to your own bug-tracking system and
some of the patches submitted there simply get lost. I would appreciate it
if you could improve yourself in this regard so that the people investing
their time don't get disappointed ;-) Thanks!

To the PolarSSL-1.2 support itself: I must confess I didn't test it but I
believe the new implementation of verify_callback in ssl_verify_callback.c
is incorrect (
It always returns 0. The error is signaled just by setting *flags to
non-zero value. The flags variable is then reused by PolarSSL for the next
certificate in the chain. So it might be that the incorrect certificate
chain won't get accepted but from reading the code it seems that non-zero
flags coupled with zero return value might result in spurious verify error
messages for other certificates in the chain. Please correct me if I'm


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