[My apologies for any formatting issues; my employer likes Outlook.]

James Yonan wrote:
> On 18/06/2013 01:23, Joachim Schipper wrote:
> > Joachim Schipper wrote [I'm continuing my own message here]:
> >> Kenny Root wrote:
> >>> I wrote a patch to add AEAD cipher modes to OpenVPN.
> >>>
> >>> It also doesn't appear PolarSSL has added AES-GCM to their main
> >>> crypto API yet.
> >>
> >> Cool to see support for GCM in the data channel!
> >>
> >> PolarSSL does support GCM (since 1.2, see include/polarssl/gcm.h),
> >> and indeed OpenVPN-NL exclusively uses a GCM SSL ciphersuite in the
> >> control channel. However, it would be very neat to also have it in
> >> the data channel, so I looked at your patch with great interest.
> >> It's really neat, but I do have some comments.
> >
> >> The prng_bytes() on src/openvpn/crypto.c:144 [...]
> >
> > Continuing this train of thought, both GCM and CCM need non-repeating
> > (but possibly predictable) IVs. As long as net_time and net_id are
> > unique to the current packet, your code works fine; and you should
> > still have 32 bits of randomness left to guard against Bad Things
> > happening to the clock. So this code is just fine.
> >
> >> I don't understand src/openvpn/crypto.c:194 either, but I'll take
> >> another look tonight.
> >
> > After another reading, I understand just fine. Consider adding "else
> > ASSERT(outlen == 0)", but ok.
> >
> >> Again, thanks for the patch! I'm no contributor, but I do think it's
> >> really cool.
> >
> > Let me reiterate: thanks! I've just taken a quick look, but it looks
> > quite nice.
> Agreed -- adding AEAD support is great.  That gives us access to AES-
> GCM, which has spectacular performance when accelerated at the CPU
> level (i.e. AES-NI).
> Testing the patch with AES-GCM, the packet crypto header looks like
> this (appearing to be loosely inspired by RFC 4106):
> 7e7046bd 444a7e28 cc6387b1 64a4d6c1 00000005 521c3b01 4308c041 380275a
> [             auth tag            ] [seq # ] [time_t] [random] [payload
> [   used like HMAC signature      ] [   12-byte IV/nonce/AD  ]
> This is running in static key mode.  The time_t field is only used in
> static key mode and is based on the daemon startup time.  It doesn't
> change unless (a) the daemon is restarted or (b) the sequence number
> field wraps around.  In TLS mode there would be a leading control byte,
> and the time_t field would be replaced by randomness.
> The "12-byte IV/nonce/AD" is the "associated data" field meaning that
> it is integrity-checked but not encrypted.  This is so it can double as
> the IV.
> I'm thinking there might be some possible efficiency gains here by
> building the 12-byte nonce differently for TLS mode, such as by pre-
> agreeing to 8 bytes of randomness for each key negotiation, then send 4
> additional bytes over the wire as a sequence number instead of 12.  The
> IV could be synthesized on each end by combining the sequence number
> with the 8 bytes of agreed randomness.  This would cut 8 bytes out of
> the packet because [time_t] [random] vanishes, while retaining the
> essential property that the IV never repeats for a given key.

That could work, yes, and has the advantage that TLS mode remains secure
even if the system clock goes really wonky.

You're probably aware of IPsec's Extended Sequence Numbers (RFC 4303 par.
2.2.1), of which 32 bits are implicitly negotiated and 32 bits are sent over
the wire. IPsec's sequence numbers are not an IV, but the GCM's IV is just
another counter, which offers some independent support for your plan.

> Can we get some more reviewers on this?

Yes, please. I wouldn't want to trust everything to one quick review by me.

> One question that applies to AEAD crypto in general and not
> specifically this patch, is what are the security implications of doing
> away with HMAC and trusting the cipher to do both encryption/decryption
> and integrity checking?  Is there general agreement in the crypto
> community that the integrity checking component of AEAD is as solid as
> encrypt-then-HMAC?  Because crypto history seems littered with the
> wreckage of attempts to pipe untrusted data directly into decryption
> algorithms.

Piping untrusted data into CBC mode, in particular, is usually disastrous;
but GCM is basically CTR mode plus a checksum, and CTR mode is a stream
cipher. Stream ciphers don't need padding and generally allow very simple
data processing, which severely cuts down on the possible side channels.

GCM is fairly well-regarded, although some people worry about side-channel
attacks. E.g.
encryption.html and
re-aead.html may be interesting; note that Matthew Green wrote a textbook on
cryptography, while Colin Percival is responsible for e.g.

Additionally, the authentication mechanism is provably strong, but very
fragile to misuse. As pointed out in
on2.pdf, any forgery allows an attacker to recover a little information
about the authentication key; in particular, short authentication tags
quickly lead to a complete compromise. (The authentication key is the
encryption of 0, i.e. compromising the authentication key breaks
authentication but does not directly break encryption.) Implementation flaws
can apparently be equally disastrous, as suggested by the abstract of

In general, GCM should be fine.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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