Hi Christian,

Thanks for the patch! I'll test it and apply it to openvpn-build if it all 
checks out.


----- Messaggio originale -----
> Author: Christian Rank <christian.r...@uni-passau.de>
> 32-bit Windows version of OpenVPN installed on a 64-bit Windows does not
> remove TAP driver on uninstallation.
> If you install OpenVPN on a 64-bit Windows using the 32-bit installer
> from
> > http://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.2-I003-i686.exe
> the TAP driver gets installed by default (if not deselected during
> installation).
> However, uninstalling the OpenVPN software leaves the TAP driver
> installed.
> Here is patch for the NSIS configuration file which corrects this
> installer issue.
> Signed-off-by: Christian Rank <christian.r...@uni-passau.de>
> -- 
> Dr. Christian Rank
> Rechenzentrum Universität Passau
> Bereich Netzwerk und Telekommunikation
> IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragter der Universität
> Innstr. 33
> D-94032 Passau
> Tel.: 0851/509-1838
> Fax:   0851/509-1802
<Allegato>   openvpn.nsi.patch
<Allegato>   smime.p7s
<Allegato>   ATT00001.txt
<Allegato>   ATT00002.txt

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