
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 02:55:42PM +0800, Brad Zhang wrote:
> Thank you very much for your patch. I applied it on openvpn 2.3.2 release
> version. Memory leak issue is improved,   but maybe also have  a little
> memory leak.
> Here is my test result.

Thanks for testing.

If I understand you right, OpenVPN + OpenSSL is ok now, but OpenVPN + 
PolarSSL is still leaking memory at renegotiaton time?

(A very small increase in memory, as for the openvpn case 283m->286m after
many rounds of renegotiation, is propably unavoidable due to some memory 
fragmentation.  It should not continue to increase at every renegotiation,

Adriaan, Steffann, any idea whether the PolarSSL glue code (or PolarSSL
itself) might do something unreasonable here?  Haven't tested with Polar
and Valgrind yet...

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