On 24-Apr-14 04:17, Gert Doering wrote:

I do run these on a windows 7 machine, but can't reconfigure them just
for debugging OpenVPN.
No, I wasn't suggesting that you do that, I was just trying to clarify
what build options we have.

I find "add msg() calls, build on linux, run on windows, see what breaks"
more natural to me than "build on windows" :-)

The doc on the page indicated that one couldn't do a 'full' install of the tools, as it generated bad code. If it had been correct, it would have meant reconfiguring them.

I use interactive debuggers when I can, and I find that debugging windows on windows and linux on linux works best for me. The M$ tools have their flaws, but they do have excellent links to API documentation & system RTL's sources. For debugging the cryptoapi interface, that would have been useful.

Print statements and core dumps have their place - but they remind me of punch cards and 24-hour turn-around batch jobs :-) I find it crippling that it's still the way one has to debug webserver apps, 40 years later.

But it's a question of style.  Whatever works for you is good.

I'm glad to know that the documentation that I found was out-of-date, and that it is possible to build without commercial tools.

Yep, I saw the mail exchange, and I'm quite happy that we know where
*your* issues are coming from.  George Ross' issues are something else,
though, as he's not using windows at all...
The pkcs11 code also loads certificates, so if he uses that, it could have a parallel issue.

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