
On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 5:23 PM, Arne Schwabe <a...@rfc2549.org> wrote:
> Might not really be related to this but have looked into the work that
> provides the certificates and keys via the managment console? We have
> even have a contrib program that gets certificates from the Mac OS X
> keychain and provides them to OpenVPN.

Thanks, but I think that should be a separate discussion. That would
work for some situations, but the keychain (actually, OS X has several
keychains) may not be accessible to OpenVPN; files are always
accessible, even before a user is logged in. And I don't think (I'm
doing this from memory, so I might be wrong) that the Keychain patch
allows **all** of the encryption info to be taken from the keychain: I
don't think it allows --secret, --ta, etc.

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