I believe I have P2P working on a Windows (8.1) client (with
OpenConnect, but I don't see why it can't work for OpenVPN).

I configure the TAP device (with TAP_IOCTL_CONFIG_TUN) with the local
IP address, and with network and netmask both of

(AIUI this network/mask has nothing to do with Windows routing, and
purely affects which IP addresses the device driver will fake ARP
responses for. Setting them to zero means that the device driver does
proxy ARP for *everything*, and you can add them all as 'On-link'

Having done that, I can configure the local IP address and point-to-
point route in Windows (8.1) by running:

netsh interface ip set address $IFINDEX status $LOCALIP
route add $REMOTEIP mask if $IFINDEX

Can we get p2p routing working in Windows that way or am I missing
something? It seems to be working here...


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