Am 25.08.17 um 14:01 schrieb Kuhr Stefan:
> Hello everyone,
> we are currently using the Windows openvpn client version 2.3.11 with
> our product. Our product uses the TAP adapter functionality and relies
> on the interoperation between openvpn.exe and the windows certificate
> store, as we use Smartcards for client authentication.
> I just discovered the OpenVPN3 project on GitHub and it looks like an
> ideal solution to me that allows better integration of openvpn in the
> collateral software stack that we ship as part of our product than the
> out-of-process approach we currently use with openvpn.exe.
> So what is the state of openvpn3, does it work with TAP adapters or is
> it TUN-only?

Not sure, people are moving from TAP away but the code should support TAP.

> Does it have integration with the windows certificate
> store? Is it on-par with the 2.x development branch and under active
> development? 

That is offloaded to the UI, like in openvpn 2.x with
management-external-key which is the cleaner approach.

> It wouldn’t make sense for us to use OpenVPN3 if it lags
> behind the 2.x versions with respect to security fixes for instance.
> There still doesn’t seem to be a stable/release branch for the OpenVPN3
> project on GitHub, so is OpenVPN3 ready for prime-time with respect to
> client functionality or is this some sort of alpha or beta status software?

Completely different code base. And  a library instead of being a
standalone client.It is used in OpenVPN Incs own clients but not much
apart from that.


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