
Here's the summary of today's IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Wednesday 20th Sep 2017
Time: 19:00 CET (17:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


The next meeting has not been scheduled yet.

Your local meeting time is easy to check from services such as



cron2, dazo, mattock and ordex participated in this meeting.


Noted that the meeting invitation had a wrong time (one hour later than

Discussed the upcoming 2.4.4 release. Dazo and mattock agreed to work on
the press release concerning feature deprecation on Friday:


It was agreed that the pending patches will be reviewed on Thu-Sun and
the Git repo tagged on Monday next week. Mattock will make the release
on Tuesday.

We will also release OpenVPN 2.3.17 with a backported security fix. The
same security fix will also be backported to release/2.2 branch in Git.


Discussed the VLAN patchset. Ordex had expressed interest in reviewing
it on GitHub. It was agreed that this invasive patchset can only go to
"master" and from there to release/2.5.


Discussed release schedule for OpenVPN 2.5. Right now there is not
enough stuff in "master" to warrant a 2.5 release anytime soon. It was
agreed to discuss this topic in more detail in this year's hackathon.


Discussed setting up patchwork to ease patch management. This task has
been on mattock's plate for many months. He will try to set it up late
next week.


Discussed open GitHub PRs. This is a known issue for which there is an
internal OpenVPN Tech JIRA ticket.


Next meeting is schedule for next week at the same (note: correct time
is shown at the top).


Full chatlog has been attached to this email.

Samuli Seppänen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock
(20:00:56) mattock: meeting time
(20:01:05) cron2: is it?
(20:01:23) mattock: hmm
(20:01:27) cron2: you announced 20:00 CEST / 18:00 UTC
(20:01:42) mattock: I will have to check our discussion from last week
(20:02:01) ordex: I also thought it was now
(20:02:12) cron2: my calendar says "now!" but your announcement doesn't, so I 
am slightly confused
(20:03:09) ordex: yeah also the topic says 18:00UTC (for the last meeting)
(20:03:21) ***dazo is confused too ... got 2 calendar alarms ... now and in 1 
(20:03:29) ordex: I have two set for now
(20:03:57) mattock: ok, so we agreed 19:00 CET it seems
(20:04:08) mattock: wrong time in the announcement
(20:04:19) mattock: sorry about that
(20:04:49) ordex: [0243.45]9/<g?/ gcron2_g9/>g egood, so "weekly, wednesday, 
19:00 CEST / 20:00 EEST" is it
(20:04:56) ordex: this is what cron2 confirmed :P
(20:05:00) ordex: taken from my log
(20:05:03) mattock: yeah
(20:05:13) ordex: but then the announcement was wrong
(20:05:14) cron2: my calender agrees with me
(20:05:14) ordex: ok
(20:05:19) ordex: that's good :D
(20:05:21) ordex: hehe
(20:05:23) cron2: indeed :)
(20:05:25) mattock: perhaps we could just start?
(20:05:38) mattock: do we have everyone we know will be joining?
(20:05:49) ordex: how about james ?
(20:06:12) mattock: do we have any topics for james?
(20:06:14) ordex: although syzzer is not here, so we can't discuss the 
tls-cryp-v2 thing for real
(20:06:18) mattock: tls-crypt-v2 would have been one
(20:06:21) mattock: yeah, exactly
(20:06:25) cron2: any word from dazo?
(20:06:29) ***dazo is here
(20:06:50) cron2: cool.  So, let's start :-) - 2.4 release date
(20:06:54) dazo: mattock: regarding v2.4 release ... we need to get the PR text 
(20:06:56) mattock: +1
(20:07:02) mattock: dazo: +1
(20:07:04) ordex: yap
(20:07:14) mattock: did we get a link to the press release?
(20:07:35) dazo: not really, there's a google doc from nineveh, which is 
basically nothing
(20:07:40) dazo: (at least last time I checked)
(20:07:40) mattock: mkay
(20:08:27) mattock: the PR was going to be mostly about deprecation features, 
(20:08:42) dazo: correct
(20:08:54) dazo: but we need to word it like a security enhancement :)
(20:09:08) mattock: ok, then it does not have to be released at 2.4.4 release 
time necessarily 
(20:09:14) mattock: +1
(20:10:57) mattock: I probably won't have much time to work on the PR tomorrow, 
but Friday would work
(20:11:23) mattock: how about you dazo?
(20:11:25) dazo: yeah, it's nice to tie it to the 2.4.4 release though .... 
don't recall now if there are any new ones now, but we're removing/warning 
about features going away in the 2.4 logs already ...
(20:11:34) dazo: Okay, I can do Friday
(20:11:37) mattock: great!
(20:11:47) mattock: what else about 2.4.4?
(20:12:07) dazo: there's a few patches to be reviewed though
(20:12:13) ordex: yap
(20:12:16) cron2: yep
(20:12:38) cron2: (my week was even more crazy than normal *sigh* but hopefully 
things will improve now...)
(20:12:43) dazo: the lz4 api stuff ... and some systemd unit file changes .... 
and .... /me pulls up his mail filter
(20:13:07) ordex: we have a couple of fixes
(20:13:16) lev__ [~lev@openvpn/corp/lev] è entrato nella stanza.
(20:13:17) dazo: yeah, ordex have been busy as well :)
(20:13:18) ordex: one is the af_family fix for tcp-server
(20:13:22) cron2: ordex' af_unspec patch wants to be merged (which I can do), 
and the mtu-disc stuff wants an extra patch to get rid of that M_FATAL
(20:13:25) cron2: yes
(20:13:33) cron2: it already has an ACK
(20:14:00) ordex: cron2: the M_FATAL thing needs to go in 2.4.4? or can that be 
postponed? I don't think it's "fixing" something crucial? it's more a 
cleanup,no ?
(20:15:05) ordex ha scelto come argomento: Meeting 2017-09-20 19:00 CEST: 
Agenda at https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/Topics-2017-09-20
(20:15:58) cron2: ordex: who knows when we'll do the next release :-) - and 
since it's annoying people again and again, time to get rid of it
(20:16:05) ordex: alright
(20:16:16) cron2: we shouldn't have M_FATAL in normal code paths...
(20:16:32) ordex: agreed and it was even confusing because it wasn't clear why 
we'd hit it
(20:16:41) cron2: so, we get to work Thu-Sun, and then dazo tags on Monday?
(20:16:57) ordex: cr0p, here i's Thu already
(20:17:00) ordex: *it's
(20:17:01) ordex: :D
(20:17:01) cron2: (I have time on Monday as well, my all-day customer 
appointment was postponed to October, hooray)
(20:18:07) dazo: okay, makes sense to me
(20:18:38) mattock: do we have somebody working on the security announcement(s)?
(20:19:22) dazo: I think those will not be so critical this time ... but 
perhaps syzzer wants to review comments related to his patch?
(20:19:54) dazo: (we should do it, just it is far easier to tackle)
(20:20:28) ordex: which syzzer's patch are you talking about exactly?
(20:20:43) dazo: ordex: its on security@
(20:20:51) ordex: ah right
(20:21:13) cron2: dazo: how are we going to tackle the security patch?  you 
merge privately on monday, and send mail with patch + ACK together with push + 
2.4.4 announcement?
(20:21:36) cron2: or do we just declare it harmless enough, and follow normal 
patch-on-list-ACK-on-list-push procedures?
(20:21:37) dazo: due to the low security impact ... I say we push it once its 
(20:21:55) cron2: it's not ACKed yet?
(20:22:04) dazo: get an ack on sec-list ... and I'll bounce patch + ack
(20:22:08) dazo: nope, not afair
(20:23:01) ordex: what's the subject of the patch?
(20:23:04) ordex: I can't find it
(20:23:12) ordex: maybe i was not yet subscribed at that time
(20:23:30) dazo: ordex: PMed
(20:23:36) ordex: thanks
(20:25:45) mattock: actually Monday would be slightly tricky day for me to do a 
release (or rather two) - maybe we could postpone tagging to Tuesday morning?
(20:25:57) mattock: unless it is fine to have the tag in there waiting for a 
(20:26:04) cron2: reviewed (again), ACKed (thought I had done that before)
(20:26:17) dazo: mattock: we will tag it ... and do the release when we're 
ready to roll the release machinery
(20:26:23) mattock: ok, sounds good
(20:26:36) mattock: I can then do part of the release on Monday and finish on 
(20:27:06) cron2: mattock: "two"?
(20:27:11) dazo: Monday is probably fairly alright fror me ... but Tue I will 
be a bit absent minded (packing lots of stuff) ... and travelling on Wed
(20:27:16) mattock: we're doing 2.3 + 2.4, right?
(20:27:36) cron2: let me check if there is enough interesting stuff in 2.3
(20:27:48) mattock: there is the one security fix
(20:27:53) dazo: I think it makes sense, yes .... and I'd even pull that patch 
into release/2.2 (no full release, just add it in git) *if* it is easy enough 
to tackle
(20:28:23) dazo: * 5071f678 - OpenSSL: Always set 
SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE flag (2017-09-07 00:39:21 +0200)
(20:28:24) dazo: * 49e12a39 - Deprecate --ns-cert-type (2017-08-15 13:37:32 
(20:28:24) dazo: * ca870b13 - crypto: correct typ0 in error message (2017-06-27 
16:46:51 +0200)
(20:28:25) cron2: ah, well, yes.
(20:28:38) dazo: the first one is reasonable
(20:29:08) ***cron2 forgot about the CVE, but that one is old code, so "back 
until 2.2" -> 2.3 and 2.4 release
(20:29:14) cron2: sorry for being confused
(20:30:12) ordex: dazo: btw syzzer's patch was already ACK'd on security@
(20:30:25) dazo: what do you mean with "back until 2.2"?   just apply to git, 
(20:30:38) dazo: ordex: ahh ... okay ... well, I'm confused too :)
(20:30:43) cron2: dazo: well, apply to master, cherry-pick to 2.4, 2.3, 2.2
(20:30:52) cron2: but we do not do 2.2 releases
(20:31:00) mattock: definitely no
(20:31:03) dazo: cron2: agreed!
(20:31:15) cron2: ordex: who ACKed?
(20:31:23) ***dazo don't see the ack either
(20:31:23) cron2: (I *thought* I had seen an ACK :) )
(20:31:35) ordex: cron2: you did
(20:31:36) mattock: oh, btw, I issued a PR to easy-rsa-old to fix the PATH 
problem that got introduced when OpenVPN no longer modifies system PATH
(20:31:36) ordex: :D
(20:31:37) cron2: but anyway, I just sent one, the patch is straightforward 
(20:31:50) ordex: 20/09/17 19:25 +0200
(20:31:50) mattock: I hope to get that in by release time
(20:31:53) ordex: ah
(20:31:58) ordex: it's now :D
(20:32:00) cron2: yes
(20:32:01) ordex: sorry guys
(20:32:03) ordex: I am confused too
(20:32:04) dazo: lol
(20:32:23) mattock: who is _not_ confused? :P
(20:32:27) dazo: cron2: ordex, lev__, mattock and I have spent an hour taking 
C++ stuff with james
(20:32:29) mattock: I've so far been unconfused
(20:32:32) mattock: :P
(20:32:39) ordex: hehe
(20:32:39) mattock: deep C++ stuff
(20:32:46) cron2: lev__ has been slurped into openvpn tech as well?
(20:32:50) dazo: mattock: ahh, you didn't pay enough attention to C++ then! :-P
(20:33:00) dazo: cron2: yep :)
(20:33:12) ***cron2 got into serious quarrels with Gentoo about C++11 last 
week... that was enough for my taste
(20:33:15) cron2: dazo: fun :-)
(20:33:35) mattock: dazo: I definitely did not, although I did have the basic 
idea what a lambda function does (I think), but C++ goes over my head badly 
(20:33:46) dazo: :)
(20:33:48) ***cron2 has the feeling that the 2018 hackathon will be in Canada, 
and more of an "OpenVPN Tech employee" meeting :)
(20:33:57) mattock: anyways, the easy-rsa-old fix for Windows installers: 
(20:33:57) cron2: (canada because nobody wants to go to .us)
(20:33:58) vpnHelper: Title: Set openssl PATH based on registry registry lookup 
by mattock · Pull Request #5 · OpenVPN/easy-rsa-old · GitHub (at github.com)
(20:34:30) ordex: (/me wants to propose the 2018 hackathon to be in a warm 
place in asia :P)
(20:34:40) ***dazo won't spoil any surprises regarding openvpn hackathons :-P
(20:35:00) ordex: :D
(20:35:12) ordex: mattock: who is supposed to ack/review that normally?
(20:35:30) mattock: there's no particular person, so if you want to have a look 
feel free
(20:35:49) dazo: mattock: can we please let easy-rsa die, burn and be 
forgotten?   and move forward with easy-rsa 3?
(20:35:51) mattock: easy-rsa-old is pretty much forgotten, except that we've 
had to apply a few fixes lately
(20:36:10) mattock: dazo: yes, when somebody starts working on easy-rsa 3 :P
(20:36:21) mattock: actually, ecrist has become active on it in recent weeks, 
so there is hope
(20:36:26) dazo: mattock: ehm ... ecrist and chipitsine have been doing that 
already, not?
(20:36:40) mattock: ecrist yes, but only very recently
(20:36:52) dazo: I even think I remember him saying easy-rsa-3 is in a fairly 
good shape even for windows
(20:37:00) ordex: mattock: I have no clue about that registry stuff, sorry :/
(20:37:23) ***chipitsine does not mind if mattock will submit a patch
(20:37:34) mattock: already did
(20:37:49) mattock: it uses code by chipitsine :)
(20:37:51) dazo: otherwise, in regards to reviewing easy-rsa .... I think 
that's okay for those involved there to ensure things moves forward
(20:38:05) mattock: yeah, that makes most sense
(20:38:36) mattock: I think tincantech has a vested interest in reviewing my 
PR, as he found the problem in the first place
(20:39:01) chipitsine: it turned out that none of the person who reviewed 
"remove openssl from PATH" use easy-rsa on regular basis
(20:39:19) mattock: yeah, that included me
(20:39:32) mattock: but the problem was not that bad to solve, especially as 
several solutions were ready at hand
(20:39:35) dazo: yeah ... lets hear what ecrist says and take it from there
(20:39:36) chipitsine: I will probably add easy-rsa to openvpn-windows-test
(20:39:56) mattock: chipitsine: would make sense
(20:40:04) mattock: anyways, let's move forward shall we?
(20:40:28) chipitsine: to vlan patchset ?
(20:40:45) mattock: are we done with 2.4.4 release?
(20:41:06) mattock: do I recall correctly that ordex wanted to have a look at 
the VLAN patchset at some point?
(20:41:15) ordex: one last question: cron2 are you going to do the mtu/FATAL 
change? or want m to propose a patch?
(20:41:22) ordex: mattock: yes, I expressed my interest in GH too
(20:41:28) mattock: ok
(20:41:32) ordex: I will check the patchset and help the guys to submit it
(20:41:47) ordex: the problem is that it is quite a big chunk of changes ... 
maybe we should flatten the ml a bit before injecting more features
(20:42:38) ordex: but anyway, I'll help there
(20:42:49) dazo: great!
(20:43:26) ordex: cron2: another thing: there are few patches for route.c 
pending on the ml which would be nice to merge before the hackathon so that we 
have a clean playground for any restyling we want to discuss :>
(20:43:38) dazo: +1
(20:43:43) cron2: right
(20:44:01) cron2: ordex: wrt mtu-disc/M_FATAL, I'll send a patch
(20:44:07) cron2: (wanted to do that last week already)
(20:44:07) ordex: cool, oky
(20:44:17) ordex: I'll review then :)
(20:45:11) cron2: wrt vlan patchset, this is a big one, and needs good 
understanding - and only master/ ("too intrusive"), so cleanup 2.4+master stuff 
should go in first
(20:45:46) dazo: yeah, vlan is for 2.5/master only
(20:46:03) ordex: ah yeah, no doubt about that
(20:46:37) chipitsine: any schedule/roadmap for 2.5.0 ?
(20:46:50) mattock: not afaik
(20:47:33) ordex: that could be material for the hackathon ?
(20:47:34) mattock: I don't know how much "master"-specific stuff we have now
(20:47:35) cron2: definitely no schedule, and no clear idea "what is going to 
be in there" either (at least me)
(20:47:43) cron2: mattock: not much
(20:47:47) mattock: ordex: that sounds like a good plan
(20:47:54) cron2: +1
(20:48:01) dazo: chipitsine: nope, not really .... we'll let 2.4 stabilise 
properly and apply patches for master on rolling basis ... it have grown big 
enough, we'll consider 2.5
(20:48:22) ordex: chipitsine: feature requests are welcome ;P
(20:49:44) ***chipitsine thinks that online crl update might be nice
(20:50:12) ordex: that's in already
(20:50:26) ordex: I think it made it for 2.4? I should check
(20:50:31) chipitsine: really? I missed that
(20:50:31) dazo: chipitsine: with online, you mean OCSP and similar?
(20:50:43) ordex: ah, I intended "at runtime"
(20:51:12) chipitsine: no, I mean "download CRL from CDP and cache it for the 
... next update from CDP"
(20:51:33) chipitsine: it is pre-OCSP stuff
(20:51:48) dazo: that should be supported in 2.4 already ... I think you can 
update the CRL on-the-fly without restarting openvpn now .... unless my memory 
is failing me completely
(20:52:15) ordex: right
(20:52:19) chipitsine: not updating manually, I mean downloading CRL from where 
it is published
(20:52:32) ordex: downloading is not supported, but that a cronjob can do it
(20:52:36) dazo: +1
(20:52:38) ordex: and openvpn will just reload it when needed
(20:53:00) ordex: before we sidetrack into that too much - anything else for 
the meeting?
(20:53:02) chipitsine: seem to be offtopic for today
(20:53:15) ordex: hehe yeah, but we can discuss later in #openvpn ;)
(20:53:38) dazo: should we try to do a few patch reviews?
(20:53:57) dazo: or is the brain capacity exhausted for today?
(20:54:12) ordex: it's 2am, I am just starting my day :D  I am fresh!
(20:54:16) mattock: I would need to split, plus we are approaching the magical 
1 hour milestone :P
(20:54:19) dazo: :-P
(20:54:25) chipitsine: 22pm
(20:54:27) ordex: we still have 7 minutes
(20:54:46) ordex: oh
(20:54:46) dazo: lets do something very light ...
(20:54:48) ordex: one thing!
(20:54:51) ordex: patchwork
(20:54:52) dazo: shoot!
(20:54:55) dazo: yes!
(20:54:56) ordex: should we try to set it up 
(20:54:57) cron2: yes!
(20:54:57) ordex: ?
(20:55:07) ordex: and try to get it running, without relying on it 100% right 
(20:55:15) dazo: makes sense to me
(20:55:17) cron2: mattock was volunteered to do that, half a year ago :-)
(20:55:24) ordex: after using it for a few weeks we might like it and rely on 
it more
(20:55:29) ordex: ah! mattock !!
(20:55:31) dazo: ordex: have you done that before?
(20:55:33) ordex: do $something
(20:55:35) cron2: but I sense that other ... things... have major priority :-)
(20:55:36) ordex: dazo: only used :P
(20:55:39) dazo: okay
(20:56:17) dazo: we need more infra/ops guys in our community ... mattock 
doesn't scale well enough alone! :-P
(20:56:32) mattock: definitely
(20:56:52) mattock: and now dazo is trying make openvpn tech enterprise-grade, 
which robs more of my time :P
(20:56:58) cron2: we have ecrist, but he's always busy too...
(20:57:03) dazo: hehe
(20:57:15) cron2: enterprise-grade?  so that's with lots of processes, and no 
work gets ever done?
(20:57:17) mattock: anyways, I can probably prioritize patchwork
(20:57:21) ordex: CRCinAU expressed interest in doing some sysadmin stuff
(20:57:22) mattock: it probably is not too bad to setup
(20:57:23) dazo: to be fair, mattock .... I'm going to spend quite some time on 
that project too .... hope just francis won't be too much upset :-P
(20:57:53) chipitsine: I can participiate in some stuff
(20:58:57) dazo: cron2: we're going to deploy FreeIPA for user account and 
access policy management .... and tie all our spread-out in-house and third 
party services into a single username/password ... with single-sign-on 
(including saml2)
(20:59:01) mattock: anyways, I will make a note that patchwork will be expedited
(20:59:23) cron2: dazo: woo, enterprise stuff! :-)
(20:59:28) mattock: I'll see if I could pull that off late next week
(20:59:37) ordex: my goodness dazo :D ETA?
(20:59:43) mattock: 4 hours
(20:59:44) mattock: :P
(20:59:48) ordex: yesterday!!
(20:59:49) dazo: ordex: october-ish :)
(20:59:55) ordex: dazo: 2020?
(21:00:01) ordex: like the kyoto protocol :P
(21:00:05) ***dazo whistles blowing in the wind
(21:00:08) ordex: hehe
(21:00:19) ordex: mattock: cool. patchwork is going to be very helpful imho
(21:00:38) ordex: we can fingerpoint people more easily when they don't review 
(21:00:44) dazo: ordex: I've done 3 FreeIPA setups already .... it's not that 
bad actually ... migration of existing hosts and accounts is the most 
challenging part
(21:00:49) mattock: definitely
(21:00:55) ***dazo even runs FreeIPA at home
(21:00:56) ordex: dazo: yeah, that was my concern
(21:00:58) ordex: lol
(21:01:02) ordex: what for?
(21:01:11) mattock: well there are no existing hosts, and we probably don't 
need to migrate the dozen or so users with fancy automation
(21:01:12) dazo: single-sign-on mostly :)
(21:02:04) ordex: dazo: for external services? I mean, stuff that are not 
hosted at your home?
(21:02:09) dazo: ordex: zimbra, nextcloud, laptops, servers .... haven't 
managed to beat nextcloud into submission yet, but it's progressing
(21:02:19) ordex: ah ok
(21:02:36) mattock: anyways, this is getting off-topic
(21:02:39) dazo: :)
(21:02:45) dazo: really!??! :-P
(21:02:52) mattock: I made a note of patchwork in the summary
(21:02:59) mattock: :)
(21:03:09) cron2: since we're over time, we're not bound by topics :)
(21:03:15) ordex: btw we have a bunch of PRs on Github, what shall we do with 
(21:03:24) dazo: got a flame thrower?
(21:03:30) mattock: ordex: there's actually an internal JIRA task about having 
a look
(21:03:39) cron2: jftr, I won't make next wednesday's meeting
(21:03:40) mattock: to see if there's any promising stuff in there
(21:03:44) mattock: cron2: ok
(21:03:48) ordex: internal JIRA? for openvpn2?
(21:04:00) mattock: community board
(21:04:07) ordex: ok
(21:04:13) dazo: My next wednesday is also at high risk
(21:04:45) mattock: I think we can still do a meeting (or just abort it) unless 
bad wednesdays become common
(21:04:53) mattock: rather than shuffle meeting time back and forth
(21:05:19) ordex: ok
(21:05:22) cron2: yes, keep wednesday, keep it short, and unless someone really 
can never make it, do not shuffle
(21:05:31) dazo: cron2++
(21:05:35) ordex: cron2++
(21:05:40) ordex: eval(cron2)
(21:05:42) mattock: ok, done for today? :P
(21:05:51) ordex: think so
(21:05:52) cron2: ordex: integer overflow
(21:05:57) ordex: eeeeh :D
(21:06:41) mattock: I will send the summary now - have to go buy discounted 
products (60%!) from the local supermarket :P
(21:06:56) cron2: local supermarkets here closed 6 minutes ago
(21:07:23) mattock: ours are open for ~2 hours still
(21:07:30) chipitsine: I have 24hr working supermarket around
(21:07:55) mattock: that's luxury
(21:08:00) mattock: but anyways, good meeting!
(21:08:06) cron2: +1
(21:08:07) mattock: hopefully we can have one next week
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