Am 11.10.18 um 20:41 schrieb Antonio Quartulli:
> tun.c and route.c contain all the code used by openvpn
> to manage the tun interface and the routing table on all
> the supported platforms.
> Across the years, this resulted in a longer functions
> and series of ifdefs.
> This patch introduces a new "networking API" which aims at
> creating a simple abstraction between the tun/route logic
> and the platform dependent code.
> The is API expected to be implemented outside of tun.c/route.c
> by using platform specific functionalities.

If I understand it right, the goal is to create a platform independent
API, Android needs either still hacks in the non platform specific code
or the API needs to communicate also

- route/adding addr before interface up
- type of route to add (android wants to ignores the host route to VPN
server and wants to isntall a instead of two /1 even with def1
in place, the last one to workaround buggy Samsung code that special
cases but sadly still needed.

Should we try to design the API right from the start to allow also for
these specifics?


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