Hello Antonio,

Op vr 26 apr. 2019 om 15:47 schreef Antonio Quartulli <a...@unstable.cc>:

> This said, OpenVPN has a protection that prevents a server to reply to a
> PUSH_REQUEST from the same client more than once within 30 seconds.
> Therefore if you are shutting down a client and restarting it within
> this short timeframe, it is expected that you won't get any PUSH_REPLY.
> Does this match your observations?

No, unfortunately it does not. This suggestion was also offered by Gert in
2017, but I tried disconnecting after a 2 minute connection, and the issue

> If not, could you please mention step by step what to do to reproduce
> the faulty problem?

The ticket also contains a step description, and it's rather simple:
Set up a server using OpenVPN-NL 2.4.4 or above (I last tried this with
Set up a client using OpenVPN 2.3.9 with a bound client port (so the server
sees a new connection as the same connection).
Connect the client to the server. Keep the connection up for as long as you
Close the client (CTRL-C in Linux worked well), and restart it immediately.
Using OpenVPN 2.3.9 client, you will never reconnect.
Using OpenVPN 2.4.4+ client, you will reconnect after the increasing
reconnect timer exceeds the server time-out setting.

Note: that using nobind probably fools this logic because the client
> will re-connect using a different source port and thus will be
> recognized as different.

That was my conclusion as well. :)
Kind regards,

Pieter Hulshoff
Openvpn-devel mailing list

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