Your patch has been applied to the master branch.

Since this is not depending on 5/7, no reason to stall - so, here we


 - it's sourcing t_client.rc, but only for the SUDO definition - this is
   a bit confusing, and might warrant a comment in the script

 - maybe make this a bit more verbose what it does?

make  check-TESTS
make[4]: Entering directory 

   (all our other tests print "test this, ok, test that, ok", which I find
   good feedback)

 - maybe feed the list of things to test from a "t_net.rc" file, so you
   can more easily extend the test set (when developing)?  Right now, 
   the test is hardcoded in the C source, but the script needs to know
   how many tests there are to call them in sequence...

 - "make check" in an --enable-iproute2 build fails like this:

./../openvpn/tests/ eval: line 150: syntax error near unexpected token 
./../openvpn/tests/ eval: line 150: `;'

    I expected it to fail in some interesting way, but this looks like
    it at least needs more sanity checking on setting of $OUT and $CMD
    (or maybe fail more explicitly for non-sitnl builds).

  - code wise:

 t_scripts =
+test_scripts =
+test_scripts +=
 test_scripts +=

    ... why are we having two lines that add one script each and one
    line that adds two scripts here?  Why not just "one line for all"?

  - if you want bash, ask for bash...

+# Note: statements in the rest of the script may not even pass syntax check on
+# solaris/bsd. It uses /bin/bash

    /bin/sh on Linux will not always be bash (dash on Debian, for example),
    so either do not use bash features, or ask for /bin/bash.

  - comments taken over verbatim from are more confusing
    than useful here:

+# make sure we have permissions to run ifconfig/route from OpenVPN
+# can't use "id -u" here - doesn't work on Solaris

  - all the KILL_EXEC stuff should be removed from - you never
    run "sudo kill <something>", so don't carry over that code
    (we need to explicitely test this in because otherwise
    we might end up with openvpn binaries that we have started in the 
    background and cannot kill anymore - "sudo openvpn" allowed, but
    "sudo kill" not allowed)

  - in the tests: good practice is to always use 2001:db8::/32 for
    "demo and testing", not addresses that might be assigned to someone
    else one day.  But also use an ULA network (fdxx:xxxx:xxxx::/48, with
    "xx" selected by rolling a dice) in case "something" handles these
    differently - ULA is the new RFC1918 stuff, globally unique but still
    not routed.

commit c4d5bcd7c90abbab2378ac865e326933b0ff1e1c
Author: Antonio Quartulli
Date:   Wed Dec 19 15:01:17 2018 +1000

     unit tests: implement test for sitnl

     Signed-off-by: Antonio Quartulli <>
     Acked-by: Arne Schwabe <>
     Message-Id: <>
     Signed-off-by: Gert Doering <>

kind regards,

Gert Doering

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