> I see your point, thank you.
> Fallback is done just to conform RFC 2782 suggestion, personally I feel it's 
> hardly be used with controllable client profiles when it's known that 
> domain.tld does dns srv.

Yes. And see the point in that RFC. I would rather document that for out
fallback the user has to manually specify that because I don't see a
good "works for all" fallback.

> Additional --remote-srv indeed has benefits:
> * opens a non-conflicting syntax way to have multiple udp/tcp dns srv 
> requests, as you wrote in earlier mails. This will allow to sort them all by 
> prio/weight.
> * cleaner syntax for specifying custom dns srv service name, with default 
> "openvpn" and protocol (if need to limit discovery to only udp or tcp)
> So, in my mind syntax looks like:
>       --remote-srv [service] [protocol], where both args are optional, by 
> default service==openvpn, protocol==any

Sounds good to me!

> And, important thing, multiple --remote-srv still needs to be supported for:
> * custom order of protocol
> * different service names
> * allow to reuse --remote-random with --random-srv as well to achieve 
> dns-srv-based lb
> Is it good enough in this form?

I don't really see the need for that but it doesn't break the normal
case of just one remote-srv, so fine with me.


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