
Here's the summary of the IRC meeting.



Place: #openvpn-meeting on irc.freenode.net
Date: Thu 24th September 2020
Time: 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC)

Planned meeting topics for this meeting were here:


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becm, cron2, dazo, lev and mattock participated in this meeting.


Talked about OpenVPN 2.5. Noted that MSI is getting into a nice shape,
though we have some fixes pending for it. We also have a new
tap-windows6 release in the pipe.

Agreed that we want to do an RC2 release for 2.5, mainly because there
is a fair amount of changes related to Windows.

Set the release date for 2.5-rc2 to "mid next week". This gives mattock
some time to build a new tap-windows6 driver as well as get his other
urgent stuff out of the way.


Noted that Trac tickets related to OpenVPN Connect should be assigned to
denys.babets. He will take them from there.


Full chatlog attached
(21:00:08) mattock: hello
(21:01:41) dazo: hey!
(21:01:45) dazo ha scelto come argomento: Agenda at 
(21:01:46) lev__: guten nacht
(21:01:59) dazo: lev__: that's when the day starts!
(21:02:20) lev__: then guten abend
(21:02:33) dazo: :-P
(21:03:50) dazo: Btw ... how's the MSI stuff going?
(21:04:12) lev__: I think it is in a good shape
(21:04:41) dazo: Great!
(21:05:19) lev__: there is one issue which could be fixed, though, but I 
wouldn't call it showstopper (support for modify/repair)
(21:05:39) dazo: so that's more a feature than a bug?
(21:05:57) cron2: now!
(21:06:01) mattock: hi
(21:06:25) lev__: both
(21:06:45) mattock: there is also some activity on tap-windows6
(21:06:51) lev__: unprivileged user may break VPN connection of administrator
(21:07:13) lev__: but we have the same problem with Connect
(21:07:22) mattock: btw. 2.0 had 18 release candidates
(21:07:31) mattock: we can do a few before breaking the record
(21:07:35) mattock: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/
(21:07:37) vpnHelper: Title: Index of /downloads/releases/ (at 
(21:09:57) cron2: working on it :-)
(21:10:07) cron2: mattock: have you seen that we need a new tap driver?
(21:11:52) mattock: yes, and selva said "wait"
(21:11:57) mattock: did not check later today
(21:13:09) lev__: cron2: what is the thing with new tap driver ?
(21:14:31) cron2: changing the MAC address via control panel was doubly broken
(21:14:43) cron2: .inf file was broken, setting the wrong key - that was fixed 
(21:14:54) cron2: driver was using the wrong variable for ARP and ND - that was 
fixed today
(21:15:04) cron2: so, now things should be fixed for good
(21:16:45) lev__: cool, we should update Connect client as well
(21:19:16) mattock: what about the next rc?
(21:19:19) mattock: what, when?
(21:19:56) cron2: you tell me :-) - it should come with the new tap driver.
(21:20:01) cron2: I can do the RC2 any time
(21:20:29) lev__: I would like to add dhcp-option DOMAIN support for wintun
(21:20:31) dazo: Do we need another RC?
(21:20:52) dazo: $ git shortlog v2.5_rc1..release/2.5
(21:20:52) dazo: Simon Rozman via Openvpn-devel (4):
(21:20:52) dazo:       netsh: Specify interfaces by index rather than name
(21:20:52) dazo:       netsh: Clear existing IPv6 DNS servers before 
configuring new ones
(21:20:52) dazo:       netsh: Delete WINS servers on TUN close
(21:20:52) dazo:       openvpnmsica: Simplify find_adapters() to void return
(21:21:09) dazo: These are bugfixes ... doesn't look that scary even
(21:21:32) cron2: dazo: not on the unix side, but windows with the new driver 
and "netsh config fixes" might need another round of testing
(21:21:53) cron2: also, we are aiming to beat 2.1, which made 2.1_rc22 (not to 
forget having an rc21b!)
(21:22:07) dazo: hahahaha .... oh dear!
(21:22:09) mattock: 2.0 actually
(21:22:16) mattock: 2.1.4 was the last 2.1
(21:22:18) dazo: no, 2.1_rc22 was a thing
(21:22:31) cron2: mattock: release candidates come before 2.1.0 :-)
(21:22:33) dazo: 2.1.4 was the last release
(21:22:50) cron2: commit 1852709cd5093995f97ba4860d1a6083c6df6d6c (tag: 
(21:23:10) cron2: anyway
(21:23:13) mattock: yes of course, but 2.0-rc18 was the biggest achievement in 
RCs so far
(21:23:23) mattock: but yeah
(21:23:30) mattock: I propose "mid next week" for rc2
(21:23:31) cron2: mattock: uh - no?  2.1_rc22 is more than 2.0_rc18?
(21:23:35) dazo: mattock: you're awake?  22 comes after 18 ;-)
(21:23:44) mattock: where do you guys see 2.1_Rc22?
(21:23:49) mattock: not on build.openvpn.net?
(21:23:55) dazo:  git tag -l | grep v2.1_rc
(21:23:58) mattock: ok
(21:24:00) cron2: in the commit quoted above
(21:24:03) mattock: I withdraw my objections
(21:24:10) mattock: that's pretty incredible
(21:24:13) cron2: not sure what release had the most versions actually built 
and published :-)
(21:24:45) cron2: anyway, mid next week, it is
(21:24:47) mattock: anyhow, mid next week because tap-windows6 will consume 
half-a-day plus I just received "urgent" things for tomorrow
(21:25:04) cron2: there is the time fix v3, plus another simon msica fix that 
is under discussion
(21:27:00) cron2: plaisthos is fighting some convoluted stuff which is more 
likely to end up in 2.5.1
(21:27:41) cron2: dazo: the 2.0 releases are not tagged in git
(21:28:26) cron2: 2.2 was amazingly short-lived, only up to 2.2.3
(21:28:29) dazo: cron2: that's right ... because our git history starts at the 
BETA21 SVN branch .... the 2.0 and prior releases are probably in the 
historical-cvs git repo
(21:28:48) cron2: you have that old stuff?  cool
(21:28:48) dazo: we dragged our feets with 2.4 :-P
(21:29:00) cron2: v2.3.18
(21:29:01) dazo: that history is not as fine-grained as the 2.1 history
(21:29:06) cron2: v2.4.9
(21:29:09) cron2: yeah, indeed :)
(21:29:22) dazo: https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn2-historical-cvs
(21:29:24) vpnHelper: Title: GitHub - OpenVPN/openvpn2-historical-cvs: Just a 
read-only repository containing the historical OpenVPN 2.0 releases, pulled out 
of the now non-existing CVS repository. Each commit is essentially a new 
version, so not a fine grained overview, but gives an impression of the 
development process. (at github.com)
(21:29:41) cron2: nice
(21:29:43) mattock: if keep on halving the last number we'll soon move to the 
Google Chrome versioning scheme
(21:30:03) cron2: let's just make the next community release real good, and 
make it "v4"
(21:30:10) mattock: \o/
(21:30:12) cron2: so it's clear "it's more advanced than 3!"
(21:30:18) mattock: yeah!
(21:30:21) dazo: hahahaha
(21:30:56) dazo: v4 should be an openvpn re-write in Rust :-P
(21:31:53) cron2: so... anything else on 2.5 or tap?
(21:31:59) mattock: not from my end
(21:32:40) cron2: there's an ongoing discussion about the lack of DNS domain 
setting in wintun, but I'm not sure if it will lead to an actual patch
(21:32:50) cron2: (for 2.5.0, that is)
(21:33:05) becm: tap0901.sys-removal on uninstall
(21:33:09) ***becm duck
(21:33:21) cron2: becm: what does that mean, for "not the windows guy" people?
(21:33:26) lev__: I can send the patch tomorrow, the code is fairly small (and 
has been in openvpn for 6 years)
(21:33:40) lev__: *openvpn3
(21:35:24) lev__: after uninstalling client, driver still presents in system, 
to actually remove it one needs to use pnputil
(21:35:47) cron2: is that with msi and msm packaging?
(21:35:49) cron2: or nsis?
(21:36:14) lev__: all of them
(21:37:41) lev__: I don't know if this is a bug or feature
(21:38:25) mattock: you're speaking of the drivers in the DriverStore remaining 
(21:38:28) becm: since the install/unistall is (nearly) identical to wintun, 
I'd opt for bug.
(21:39:04) becm: that one gets removed just fine.
(21:39:41) mattock: ok
(21:40:03) cron2: that would have been my next question :)
(21:40:36) becm: it's not realy (regular) user-visible and negligable on a 
16GiB Windows-Installation. :)
(21:40:57) lev__: IIRC wintun has some sort of reference counting, where each 
user (like wireguard/openvpn) increments it by one, and when it decreases to 
zero driver gets removed
(21:42:11) mattock: that does ring a bell
(21:42:41) cron2: I've heard this mention as a generic plus for "MSM", so I 
expected this (without knowing anything) to be "automatic"
(21:43:02) cron2: do we delete tap interfaces on deinstall?
(21:43:14) lev__: OTOH this bug has a nasty consequence - if you happen to 
install a driver with a wrong signature, upgrade will not resolve it since 
windows would assume that driver already presents. We had this issue on Johan's 
laptop during last hackathon
(21:44:08) lev__: we do delete interfaces
(21:45:06) cron2: THat should be good enough then... but, I have no idea what 
MSM and MSI really do
(21:46:34) lev__: becm: would you mind to create an issue to tap-windows6 about 
this (driver doesn't get deleted)
(21:47:58) becm: lev__: can we rule out the double-registration (root\tap0901, 
tap0901) as the reason?
(21:49:19) lev__: we could, but maybe not right now :)
(21:50:18) lev__: mattock: do you have download numbers for 2.5 beta4/rc1 ?
(21:50:27) mattock: unfortunately no
(21:50:30) mattock: well
(21:50:32) mattock: possibly
(21:50:41) mattock: if I remembered where I need to login to get them
(21:50:43) mattock: :D
(21:51:00) mattock: I'll try something
(21:51:23) dazo: Anything else?
(21:52:17) cron2: not from me
(21:52:32) mattock: no luck
(21:52:40) mattock: nothing from me
(21:53:10) dazo: One FYI on Trac tickets related to OpenVPN Inc products .... A 
new user should be signed up here now, denys.babets, who will be the ticket 
owner for the Connect and non-OSS related things
(21:53:59) dazo: So anything Connect, Access Server or OpenVPN Cloud related 
can be reassigned to Denys
(21:54:08) cron2: *thumbsup*
(21:54:11) mattock: do we want to keep those tickets in Trac?
(21:54:26) mattock: or just assigned them so that Denys can close them and move 
them to a more proper place?
(21:54:37) dazo: He will follow-up on these tickets, sort out what can be 
sorted out in Trac and otherwise redirect to more appropriate places
(21:54:43) mattock: ok
(21:54:44) cron2: I have no opinion, but they need to be handled one way or the 
(21:54:46) mattock: sounds good
(21:54:48) cron2: yes
(21:55:02) dazo: (would be silly to redirect to to our support platform just to 
say: You need a new config from your service provider)
(21:56:28) mattock: ok, I'll write summary now
(21:56:44) mattock: I propose "good night all"
(21:58:02) dazo: g'night!
(21:58:08) cron2: yeah.  good night :)

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