
On 04/12/20 15:38, Arne Schwabe wrote:
Am 04.12.20 um 11:59 schrieb Jan Just Keijser:
hey guys,

I'm posting this on behalf of the eduVPN team. François Kooman spent a
long time debugging an issue and finally managed to find the piece of
code that causes the weird behavior.
Let me explain:

For eduVPN, multiple openvpn instances are offered , both on UDP and TCP
ports and the client config that is used lists all of these instances.
The client can then do automatic roll-over to a TCP based setup if UDP
is not working (blocked) for some reason.
Now François had *not* set the keepalive option in the TCP setup, as a
TCP connection has a keepalive of its own, more or less and this caused
some very odd behaviour:

1) the client tries to connect to a UDP based server; server is
down/blocked, hence openvpn does a failover to the next client
2) openvpn connects but after exactly 2 minutes the connection is restarted
3) the reconnects keep happening every 2 minutes suggesting it is a
ping-restart/keepalive setting

We've tracked this down to the following piece of code, which has been
present in the OpenVPN code base since v2.1 (which was the first version
to support connection entries). File is init.c, here from v2.4.9:

  188 static void
  189 update_options_ce_post(struct options *options)
  190 {
  191 #if P2MP
  192     /*
  193      * In pull mode, we usually import --ping/--ping-restart
parameters from
  194      * the server.  However we should also set an initial default
  195      * for the period of time before we pull the --ping-restart
  196      * from the server.
  197      */
  198     if (options->pull
  199         && options->ping_rec_timeout_action == PING_UNDEF
  200         && proto_is_dgram(options->ce.proto))
  201     {
  202         options->ping_rec_timeout = PRE_PULL_INITIAL_PING_RESTART;
  203         options->ping_rec_timeout_action = PING_RESTART;
  204     }
  205 #endif
  206 }

When failing over, this function 'update_options_ce_post' is called and
for UDP based connections, the ping_rec_timeout is updated.
Note that ping_rec_timeout is a GLOBAL option and affects all connection
entries, both TCP and UDP based. Comment out the call to
'update_options_ce_post' and the restarts are gone.
Shall we just comment out/remove this particular piece of code altogether?
No it still serves a purpose in normal/other setups. It just breaks
*your* setup. Without this a client can be stuck forever if the
connection times out after the control channel has been established but
not received a PUSH_REPLY if my quick analysis here is correct.
No, this happens even without ANY control channel establishment.... if that were the case we should change the logic to set a ping-rec timer for UDP connections after the control channel has been established (or whenever we've received ANY reply from the server). My example shows that this timer is set even if the first server never responds at all.
But the logic of is_dgram and how it is set is strange, I definitively
grant you that. This might also a bug that got more exposed by my
removal of the non-connection logic in OpenVPN 2.4. Before OpenVPN 2.4
we had completely different code paths for profiles containing
<connection> and profiles without for handling those.

This code path is present from 2.1 on, in more or less unaltered form....



PS This leads me to think that perhaps the ping-* options should be made
connection-entry specific.  That way, you can have different behavior
for TCP based setups and UDP based setups. Also note (see below) that
this problem also affect failover from one UDP based server to the next
, if --keepalive is disabled, so it's not "just" UDP vs TCP.
Normally keepalive settings should be by the server since a mismatching
keepalive between client and server is not a good idea anyway.
yes but like you said, sometimes it may be wise to set keepalive timers *before* the connection has been established. Also, with server failover, the keepalive timers should be reset from connection entry to connection entry.

I managed to recreate this setup and I can even get the same odd
behaviour in a 100% UDP based setup.
Server config:
proto udp
port 1194
dev tun
dh       dh2048.pem
ca       ca.crt
cert     server.crt
key      server.key
topology subnet
user  nobody
group nobody  # use "group nogroup" on some distros
cipher aes-256-cbc
auth   sha256

(yes, I know the server blurts out
   WARNING: --keepalive option is missing from server config
on startup)

Client config:
remote <server> 1195 udp  ## use a non available port first
remote <server> 1194 udp
### remote <server> 1195 tcp
dev tun
remote-cert-tls server
ca       ca.crt
cert     client1.crt
key      client1.key
cipher aes-256-cbc
auth   sha256

So the client first connects to a (non-existent) server, and then fails
over to the second entry, and we get a connection. Then, every 2 minutes
we get a connection restart.

If I change the client config to list only a single
   remote <server> 1194 udp
line then this reconnect behavior does NOT occur ?!?!?!?

This might be a bug in the initialisation order. That the ping timer is
armed before next_connection_entry is called. If you force it reconnect
by restarting server or kill -USR1, does it then also show the
disconnect after 120s behaviour?
sent 'kill -USR1' to the client after it connected; it reconnected and then 2 minutes later:

WrWrWrWrWrWFri Dec  4 16:51:05 2020 us=720177 [server] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting

next, restarted the server with the client still connected and waited again:

WrWrWrWrWrWFri Dec  4 16:55:18 2020 us=136090 [server] Inactivity timeout (--ping-restart), restarting

so with my example config you end in a state where the client has set ping_rec_timeout but the server is not sending any pings and neither a cliehnt -USR1 or a server reset fixes it..


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