
On 13/01/21 19:29, Илья Шипицин wrote:

ср, 13 янв. 2021 г. в 22:01, Jan Just Keijser <janj...@nikhef.nl <mailto:janj...@nikhef.nl>>:


    On 13/01/21 17:20, Илья Шипицин wrote:
    > Hello,
    > if user save password, it might be stolen from well known location
    > (there are popular password stealers).
    > in theory, is it possible to keep password in tpm ? will it prevent
    > password from being stolen ?
    in theory, yes, but as always, it depends on the circumstances.

    With TPM 1.2 you can only store a very limited amount of data in
    the TPM
    chip; the (open source) implementation I have seen (tss, trousers)

I meant openvpn-gui + user/password authentication + password is kept in registry encrypted by data protection api (not clear text, but might be decrypted and stolen easily).

trousers is linux, right ?

ah yes, indeed, trousers is Linux; I guess I defaulted to Open source software for an open source VPN ;)

As for storing any old password in a TPM: yes that seems possible in Windows 10 (with the right TPM support, I presume). For example, this

posts that someone wants to *get rid* of edge/chrome authn details stored in the TPM. Could be that support for this is also present in chromium, which means you should be able to find the source code that does this.


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