Am 18.08.22 um 17:21 schrieb Juliusz Sosinowicz:
Hi Arne,

thank you for your report. In the future, please send reports to to guarantee the fastest possible response. This also helps us track bug reports. I have forwarded this report for you.

Either I or someone else will investigate this and get back to you with a solution soon.

To be honest, I do not really have interest in that. We ourselves do not use wolfSSL at all with OpenVPN and we included wolfSSL with the promise from wolfSSL (the company) that they will maintain the implementation for OpenVPN. I merely send this as a reminder to fix the current with wolfSSL so OpenVPN 2.6 can be released with wolfSSL support.

But if we have to spend time going through support requests and to keep something maintained that we ourselves have no intrinsic motivation to support, I will advocate to set/change the status of wolfSSL in OpenVPN to "unmaintained".


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