Meeting summary for 7 February 2024:

* *Closed: Adding explicit license for ​openvpn-buildbot*
  /It was agreed that for this infrastructure code a permissive BSD-2 license
   is good enough. mattock will prepare a PR/

* *New: Pending Buildbot PRs*
  /djpig is working on the reviews/

* *Updated: Wiki migration*
  /mattock is still waiting for feedback on the provided XWiki and Wiki.js
   test instances. Noone had any new feedback, mattock provided links again,
   hoping for more feedback in next meeting./

* *Updated: Server Side Testing*
  /Still waiting for a separate meeting to be set up. But cron2 was not in
   the meeting today, and he is required for the separate meeting./

* *Updated: 2.6.9 release*
  FreeBSD DCO fix merged now.
  Windows security fix ready for openvpn-build.
  EasyRSA fix for Windows 11 not ready but not critical since no regression.
  /Agreed to do 2.6.9 on Monday/

* *New: SBOM*
  Fox IT has interest in discussing how to handle this topic.
  /MaxF will set up meeting with djpig and uddr and colleague from Fox IT.
   Tuesday 13th at 11:00 CET/

  Frank Lichtenheld

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