we're using openvpn server with auth-pam plugin. When user fails to
authenticate we get the message to all terminals on the server:
AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: user 'username' failed to authenticate:
Authentication failure

These messages are very disturbing.
We find the only way to redirect these messages to the common log file -
using "log-append" option. But with this option we get another problem -
correct logrotation, since openvpn doesn't have a mechanism to reopen
log files without restarting. This problem could be solved by logrotate
option "copytruncate", but this option is not a perfect solution at all
and if logrotate is not the default rotation tool in your OS, then you
should additionaly install and configure it (e.g. FreeBSD with newsyslog).

So, the question: is there another way to redirect these messages to log
files or eliminate it at all? Or this is a bug, then should I fill a report?
The solutions I see would be:
1) bugfixing if it's a bug;
2) creating additional option for redirecting this type of messages;
3) implementing a way to reopen log files on the run.

Tested with openvpn 2.3.1 on FreeBSD 9.1 and Ubuntu 12.04 i386.
Thank  you.

Best regards,
Sergey Urushkin

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