On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 12:10 AM, Samuli Seppänen <sam...@openvpn.net> wrote:

> We've discussed traffic obfuscation in the past many times, and have
> always concluded that we don't want to play that cat-and-mouse game in
> the _core_ OpenVPN.

I agree - sort of. I'd say the one exception would be to add proxy-over-TLS
support into openvpn. It's merely an extension of existing code but means
those who choose to use it would gain the ability to appear exclusively as
an TCP/TLS transaction - no evidence of vpn traffic at all.

ie, set up squid on your openvpn server with a TLS port (https_port), acl
it down to only be a proxy for localhost:1194 (say). Then configure openvpn
client as

remote localhost:1194 tcp
        http-proxy squid.server 443

All anyone would see is the client making a TLS (with SNI) connection to
https://squid.server/ (and lots of traffic...). Would look effectively
identical to Skype, Hangouts, etc. ie large volumes of (assumed) HTTPS
traffic. Could probably configure squid so that it defaults to a real
Apache server, and does the "trick" just for "CONNECT localhost:1194" -
that way even connecting to it would show a website

Hmm, on second thoughts, this would be easier/cleaner to do in Apache via


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
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