The short answer is:

If the traffic going "inside" the tunnel is UDP based, it's already built to 
handle packet loss.
If the traffic going "inside" the tunnel is TCP based, it's going to be handled 
by the TCP connection that's encapsulated by the tunnel. [i.e. The TCP 
connection will re-transmit any lost packets.]

So, it's no different than it would be outside the tunnel.

But, that said, any kind of tunnel [IPSec/OpenVPN etc] are fairly sensitive to 
packet loss. So, if packet loss grows beyond a modest amount, your tunnel won't 
be reliable. But that's a function of the tunnel, not UDP vs TCP tunnel 

In fact, using TCP for the OpenVPN tunnel transport is probably MORE sensitive 
to packet loss than TCP inside a UDP tunnel. [due to the TCP ack window, inside 
another TCP ack window. See: ]

Others may have more detailed answers, and/or citations, but that's the gist of 


How does OpenVPN handle UDP's unreliability?

If I read this correctly, "control channel messages" and not the "data channel" 
are using the reliability layer:

If true, does that make UDP OpenVPN tunnel unreliable?

I would appreciate any insight and also links to any docs that may explain this.

All the best,

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