Hello List,

Inconsistency is really pissing me off and I want to understand the root cause. I have a dual xeon server on gigabit running OpenVPN 2.2.1 (sorry for the old version I will not upgrade, this working since many years).

As clients I use mini computers such as Raspberry pi 2-3s with 2.3.4-5+deb8u2.

Normally copying file with FTP inside the tunnel yields 1.35 MB/s

1.35 MB = 10.8 Mbit

That is about 10 Mbit downlink which is not great (compared to that the vDSL should have theoretically 100Mbit/s) but it still acceptable.

The clients behind DSL routers so after experimenting I have settled on tun-mtu 1350 for the tunnel.

Now the point is not even all this but sometimes this tunnel starts behaving crazy slow with packet loss, transfer speed around 100kbit/s without ANY config modification. The configs and openvpns are the same since years and I would like to understand WHY.

When this slowness occurred yesterday I have run speedtest-clis on both ends to see if it might be the internet connection which was slowed down, no it wasn't which is from the client:

Testing download speed........................................
Download: 70.61 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed..................................................
Upload: 27.86 Mbits/s

On the server I get dual gbit up and down so there is no prob there.

When you download file through the tunnel from the server that uses the download which is more than enough so why can the tunnel be stalled?

I use UDP for the tunnel.

Any clues? Any workarounds? now because of this I ordered a raspberry pi 4 just to be able to fix this as soon as possible and by morning it went back to normal without ANY changes. Very annoying!

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