Am 10.03.2022 um 12:22 schrieb Jan Just Keijser:

Thu Mar 10 10:35:32 2022 Restart pause, 5 second(s)
*Thu Mar 10 10:35:40 2022 Previous command sent to management failed: ERROR: Options warning: Bad backslash ('\') usage in TCP:0: remember that backslashes are treated as shell-escapes and if you need to pass backslash characters as part of a Windows filename, you sho* Thu Mar 10 10:35:40 2022 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'username "Auth" "*authpoint\UserName*"'
Thu Mar 10 10:35:40 2022 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'password [...]'

This sounds like I need to escape the backslash, but if I do this the Auth fails completely before the 2FA part comes into the picture. I fear that the normal user authentication part and the 2FA code treat backslashes differently... how can I get this going, if at all? Should I contact the openvpn-devel list for this?

before getting into whether this is a bug or not :   most Windows-based authentication systems also accept authpoint/Username (i.e. forward slash).

Other than that, this does seem to be one for the -devel list, as I suspect that in manage.c the "parse_line" call does not differentiate between file paths (for which \\ is needed) and a "domain\username" call.

Alternatively, you might be able to get away with specifying username@FQDN as well.

Hello Jan, hello all,

thank you for these ideas  - I had already tried the forward slash, without success. I now also tried "@", but this does not work either; I suspect the server side (i.e. the WatchGaurd auth module)  does not understand the login then. Ok, so I will ask on the -devel list. If I have a solution I will add it here. Thank you.

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