
On Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 09:57:41PM +0100, Bo Berglund wrote:
> Is there some way when that RPi has connected to my OpenVPN server to reach it
> "backwards" via the connected tunnel? I mean to establish a command line SSH
> interface through the tunnel or similar.

Well, it has a (presumably private) address on the OpenVPN interface that you
can control from the VPN server configuration.

For example here, this is an OpenVPN client with no public address (on a CGNAT
via a 4G wireless link):

The 4G interface with a private IP (wwan0)
    inet brd scope global dynamic wwan1
    (obviously, you can't do much with it, as it's CGNAT controlled
     by the 4G network operator)

The OpenVPN interface with a private IP (tap0, also works with tun0)
    inet scope global tap0

So, from the OpenVPN server, assuming your pi has no firewall:

schaefer@shakotay:~$ telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5+deb11u3

Yes, SSH on your pi can be reached, or whatever service you want to
be reachable.

> But the lack of public IP makes it impossible to run a server on the client 
> side
> to access the RPi and I guess if done it would create a closed loop kind of
> connection...

Just make your SSH server on the pi listen on (which is the default), it
will happily answer on all of the IP addresses, private or public, that it has.
> Advice on how to configure the client and server for this is gratefully
> appreciated.

In my case, there IS a firewall, and the OpenVPN client startup script 
it correctly so that the SSH server is accessible from the VPN.

If I remember well, in addition, I had to derive the (private) IP address from
the certificate client name (CN) and push it to the client through the server
connect script, something like:

   case $common_name in
      client[0-9][0-9]) the_ip=${common_name/client}
                                  case $the_ip in
                                     0*) the_ip=${the_ip/0};;
                                  cat > $1 <<EOF
ifconfig-push 192.168.251.$the_ip


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