On Mon, Feb 05, 2024 at 09:55:58AM +0100, Bo Berglund wrote:
> I tried the service restart and it worked inasfar as the logs now look like 
> this
> example:
> Mon Feb  5 09:42:42 2024 us=734354 succeeded -> ifconfig_pool_set()

Do you mean rsyslog logs?

Again, systemd changes everything: you can exploit a system without rsyslog,
and systemd-journald. This writes the log to a binary format, that you
can see with journalctl. Maybe in that cas you can format the datetime field
as you wish?

Currently, I still run rsyslog (and Debian, at least with the bookworm release,
merges the rsyslog /var/log AND journalctl logs for use by logcheck, with
the side effect that logs entries are doubled).

AFAIK you can change rsyslog log format in /etc/rsyslog.conf, however this
might break all of your default/existing logcheck rules.

> I really wonder why it uses this terrible illogical display with the day name
> first?


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