
I recently switched my home network to use 4x OpenWRT-based Access Points.  
I have an Ubiquiti EdgeRouter that is configured to assign static IPs via 
DHCP to the access points.  I also have DNSmasq enabled so that I can do 
local hostname lookups.

*I cannot get auto-registration to work using the local DNS hostname but 
using the MAC address directly works.*

E.g. my access point is named: ap_master.agarwalla.local and has a local 

I can successfully do an nslookup of ap_master.agarwalla.local from the 
OpenWisp server:

nilesh@OpenWisp:~$ nslookup ap_master.agarwalla.local

Name:   ap_master.agarwalla.local
I installed and setup OpenWisp and also configured /etc/config/openwisp on 
the OpenWRT router:

config controller 'http'
option url 'https://openwisp.agarwalla.local'
option verify_ssl '0'
option uuid ''
option key ''
option shared_secret 'XXXX'

Auto-registration fails as follows:

root@ap_master:~# logread -f
Thu Jan 14 14:45:03 2021 daemon.info openwisp: Registering device...
Thu Jan 14 14:45:03 2021 daemon.err openwisp: Registration failed! {    
 "name": [         "Must be either a valid hostname or mac address."     ] }

Using the MAC address directly DOES work, though....but then I can't change 
the hostname via the web interface:
[image: Screenshot 2021-01-14 094911.png]

Any thoughts on how to get this all to work with the local DNS hostname?


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