On 04/25/2011 11:48 AM, ales...@seznam.cz wrote:
> Hello,
> Not sure if I should post this here or rather on openwrt-users. Anyway, my 
> question is regarding Snort package for OpenWRT. Latest Snort available as 
> OpenWRT package is 2.8.4, which is way too old. The situation is the same 
> even for trunk. Is it due to lack of maintainer or are there other reasons? I 
> will be configuring Netgear WNDR3700 soon, and as the device has just enough 
> CPU horsepower to be used as an IPS I was considering Snort. But I would 
> definitely want to use latest version (2.9.5 as of now). I could update the 
> package myself if someone tells me how to do it or at least points me to some 
> guide.
> Many thanks
> Alex

Hi Alex,

I do not know of any reason why snort is still in that old version. Feel
free to create a patch to upgrade it to a more recent version. There is
a HowTo for creating packages in the wiki:

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