Gioacchino Mazzurco <gmazzurco89 <at>> writes:

> p.s. the working image is the one for bullet ;)
> 2010/12/24 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gmazzurco89 <at>>
> It seems is a problem of target!Using "Ubiquity product" as target images miss
everything about wireless also iwUsing "Default ( alla driver )" as target
everithing seems working fine, than the problem seems ok, but someone should
take a look on ubiquity target it seems broken to me :|2010/12/24 Gioacchino
Mazzurco <gmazzurco89 <at>>
> hey all!I am trying to flash picostation m2hp with openwrt backfire, there is
not specifical image for this device but i have tryied to flash with bullet and
nano imagesthe falsh successful but i cannot see the wireless interfacesome hint
for this?
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Hi !

I'm trying to make OpenWRT work on Picostation M2HP.

As you said, bullet M image flashes well but the wireless doesn't work at all
with the "ubiquity Product" target.

You said building an image with "Default ( alla driver )" as target makes
everything work well, but I can't see any "Default ( alla driver )" target in my

Where is this target ??

Meanwhile, your last message on that subject is quite old, and maybe there are
updates on this product.

Thank you for any tips on that tricky point !


Damien Courtaillier

openwrt-devel mailing list

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