On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 7:49 AM, David Woodhouse <dw...@infradead.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-04-30 at 07:41 -0700, Dave Taht wrote:
>> Tell it to however wired up this chip and shipped it in qty millions.
>> Actually that message was already received, successor chipsets from
>> this manufacturer did it up right.
> So the real problem is that the ar71xx doesn't allow you to DMA to
> addresses which aren't aligned to 4 bytes? Which network devices does
> that restriction apply to? All of them?

> Out of interest, have you done a performance comparison with just
> *moving* the packet when it arrives?

I did not. Felix did.

Fixing this issue has had a long, tortuous history...

this got tried and later backed out...


"- on ar724x, rx buffers can be aligned with an offset of 2, which
keeps the ip header aligned
- alignment offset is only added if the ar8216 workaround is not
active and the phy driver does not advertise its own packet alignment
- ar71xx and ar91xx can not handle rx alignment offsets, however
taking a hit on unaligned exceptions seems to have less overhead than
re-aligning the data for large packets
- use memmove to re-align small packets, if necessary

tested on ar9132, ar7240 and ar7242 based devices without ar8216 headers"

Which got backed out here:


So I'd certainly be willing to attempt realignment in the driver, and
sort of remember that it's like a one-liner to do nowadays...

but it is a 16 bit bus, and packets are dmaed, so getting the cpu
involved on every ethernet transfer strikes me as potentially very

> If this really is needed to work around hardware limitations, I don't
> see why *some* of it shouldn't be acceptable upstream. A config option
> to add '__packed' to various structures is fairly harmless, for
> example...

The __packed trick, so far as I know, is undefined gcc behavior. But, yea,
perhaps something more PC than this....

#define F_ING_HW_ENGINEER_SAVED_A_PIN __packed

> --
> dwmw2

Dave Täht
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